If you shoot a Nikon DSLR, bit depth and RAW compression options will vary depending on camera model. On most entry-level and enthusiast-level cameras, you will only have the option to choose between 12-bit and 14-bit depth with no RAW compression options. This means that these cameras always default to lossy compression. On high-end cameras, Nikon typically provides three options for RAW compression: Compressed, Lossless Compressed and Uncompressed, as seen below:
In fact, only a compressed (either lossy or lossless) raw image will suffer for larger bit-depth images. This is simply because there are more possible values with larger bit-depth samples, and so it is less likely that there will be repeated values (redundancy) in the image. Data compression algorithms depend on redundancy to compress the data, so a larger bit-depth image will not be compressed as much, and thus the file size will be larger.
Amd Highly Compressed Only 7 Mb Mega
MB or megabytes refers to the size of the file used to save the image. It depends hugely on the file format used. JPEG images are highly compressed to save space. However, the degree of compression can be varied. Most photo editing software allows you to choose the JPEG quality yourself (the higher the quality, the less the compression and the greater the file size; the lower the quality, the greater the compression and the smaller the file size).
Generally that is true, but how much more depends on how the file is structured and what kind of compression is used if any. For example, a raw file is compressed and only one channel, so (using made-up numbers for examples), if your camera shot a 3000x2000 px image that's a 8MB raw file, all of the following are simultaneously true:
In all examples above, nothing about the image content itself is changed, it is the same picture every time, except for slight lossiness in the JPEG. They are all the same 6 megapixels (3000 times 2000 px). The file size variations are only because of file structure/compression settings. As another example of the effect of file structure, all of the non-JPEG sizes above would be roughly double if the image was saved at 16 bits per channel instead of 8 bits per channel.
I'm having this same problem. Every jpg photo taken on my iPhone 7, no matter which camera app I use, is being stored around 2mb and even worse...72ppi!! that is web quality and the images look it. Even when I shoot in RAW using another camera app the photos are larger but still only 4mb and still 72ppi. What is happening. Please do not tell me to turn on iCloud photo storage. I have no desire to pay for an additional storage when I spent so much money on a 128gb phone to store all the large images I was expecting this phone to take. How to I get the uncompressed images on my phone without paying for your additional service?